Zygmunt Bauman, renowned for his book ‘Liquid Modernity’  will deliver a keynote speech ‘Freedom and Security, a case of hassliebe’ in Amsterdam. You are invited!

Polish-British sociologist and philosopher Zygmunt Bauman in Amsterdam – 03.05.2012

Zygmunt Bauman, renowned for his book ‘Liquid Modernity’ will deliver a keynote speech ‘Freedom and Security, a case of hassliebe’.

Marietje Schaake, Hedy d’Ancona and Machiel Keestra will participate in a debate with the audience. Castrum Peregrini and SMART Project Space jointly organise the event.

  • Thursday 3 May, 20.00 hrs | English spoken
  • Location: Smart Project Space, Arie Biemondstraat 105–113,1054 PD Amsterdam
  • Doors open 19.30 hrs | Tickets € 12,- | Reduced € 8,-
  • Reservations: reservations@smartprojectspace.net

According to the Polish-British philosopher Zygmunt Bauman an irresolvable conflict exists between the pursuit of individual happiness and the need for security and safety. Civilisation is building on the compromise between both and needs to maintain a fragile balance.

The process of globalisation disturbs this balance. Traditional securities in the western world are not self-evident anymore, causing the need for security growing stronger. The political system in the West, particularly in the Netherlands seems to have lost a sense of direction. Citizens tend to become anxious about the lethargy and failing of politics and increasingly search for answers to fundamental questions. The current ‘zeitgeist’ can be signified by conflicts between individual and collective freedom, between individualism and the community, between nationalism and universalism.

Taking place on the eve of the annual national commemoration of the victims of World War II (4 May) and liberation day (5 May), this debate is the first of a series of events ‘IN ME, the PARADOX of LIBERTY’, exposing the current confusion about freedom in an accessible and visual way.

Freedom and Security, A Case of Hassliebe is the opening debate of IN ME, THE PARADOX of LIBERTY manifestation organised by CASTRVM PEREGRINI. The Programme is generously supported by The Mondriaan Fund, vfonds, AFK and Stichting Democratie en Media.

For further information and full programme, see www.castrumperegrini.org and/or www.smartprojectspace.net

Gepubliceerd op Polonia.NL 25.04.2012
– Uitgever: STEP – Stichting van Poolse Experts in Nederland , lees meer over ons

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