Cemetry „Oude Toren” in Eindhoven, fot. Polonia.nl


The Dutch far-right leader’s new website is a stupid stunt that those further east would do well to ignore.

Migrants can indeed be disruptive.

'Like those Polish guys who arrived in The Netherlands in 1944′ – writes European Voice.

They did not intend to go to the Netherlands, they were trained in Scotland to liberate Poland.  In september 1944 their ultimate wish was to go to Warsaw to join fighting compatriots in the Warsaw Uprising. „The expedition was poorly organised by the British, and when it went wrong, the Poles got the blame, quite unfairly. Few ever got home to Poland and scores never went anywhere again” – writes Europan Voice.

„Anyway, it was a long time ago – September 1944, to be exact – when the 1st (Polish) Parachute Brigade suffered 25% casualties while fighting Germans (and Dutch collaborators) during the botched allied operation at Arnhem. To be fair, Wilders has not suggested revoking the honorary citizenship given to General Stanislaw Maczek, the legendary Polish tank commander, for his great feat of liberating Breda in October of that year, without a single civilian casualty. Nor does he want to exhume and repatriate the 500-odd Poles buried in war graves in the Netherlands – presumably fallen soldiers count as permanent residents” – European Voice.

Read the whole story European Voice  and The Economist/blog

From  our archives:
OPINIE:  70 jaar geleden speelde afkomst geen rol; Polen, Amerikanen, Canadezen sneuvelden voor ons land – Sjoerd Verest (20 jaar) -15.02.2012
Gepubliceerd op Polonia.NL 23.02.2012
– Uitgever: STEP – Stichting van Poolse Experts in Nederland , lees meer over ons

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