1. Komunikat prasowy Ambasady RP w Hadze
2. Speech by Ambassador of Poland on occasion of awarding of Golden Cross of Merit
3. Zobacz strony Stowarzyszenia Dziennikarzy Polskich – SDP
1. Komunikat prasowy Ambasady RP w Hadze
W dniu 28 października br. w Ambasadzie RP w Hadze odbyło się uroczyste wręczenie Złotego Krzyża Zasługi pani Małgorzacie Bos-Karczewskiej. Prezydent RP Aleksander Kwaśniewski przyznał to prestiżowe odznaczenie w uznaniu zasług dla promocji Polski w Królestwie Niderlandów.
Zwłaszcza w okresie przedakcesyjnym pani Małgorzata Bos-Karczewska zdołała zmobilizować aktywność polonii holenderskiej na rzecz reprezentowania interesów RP w
Holandii. Wyśmienita znajomość tutejszych realiów umożliwia jej aktywny udział w życiu publicznym i odważne reprezentowanie polskiej racji stanu przy jednoczesnym uwzględnieniu wspólnych ideałów obydwu krajów.
Również jako prezes Stowarzyszenia Polskich Ekspertów STEP już prawie od 10 lat przyczynia się do rozpowszechniania rzeczowego i zróżnicowanego obrazu Polski. Całokształt jej działalności został uhonorowany prestiżowym odznaczeniem Złotego Krzyża Zasługi.
Haga, 28 października 2005 r.
Wydział kultury, promocji i informacji
Ambasada RP w Hadze
Email: kultura@polamb.nl
2. Speech on the occasion of awarding of Golden Cross of Merit of Republic of Poland to Mrs. Małgorzata Bos-Karczewska – 28 October 2005
Dear Mrs Bos-Karczewska,
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am very pleased and honoured to welcome you today on this particular occasion. On behalf of the President of Poland I have the honour to hand over the Golden Cross of Merit of the Republic of Poland to Mrs Małgorzata Bos-Karczewska.
Everyone who had the opportunity to meet Mrs Bos-Karczewska knows how much she deserves all the respect and esteem. A well known fact is that she came to the Netherlands from Gdansk, a cradle of Dutch architects and the Solidarnosc movement that changed the history of the world. Maybe this is the reason why her first actions upon the arrival were marked by an unusual engagement in building a constructive and positive picture of Poland in the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
As a correspondent of the daily Rzeczpospolita Mrs Bos-Karczewska did not only comment upon the political and economic events in the Netherlands. She also joined the social and political life in an active way, demonstrating that Poland is an integral part of the common European family. As the time was passing by she became a public person with excellent contacts in the Dutch media world. The Polish Embassy has also made extensively use of her broad contacts in organising various Dutch – Polish meetings.
A special appreciation deserve her activities in the promotion of our country in the crucial moment before the accession to the European Union. None of the debates on the enlargement of the EU could take place without the presence of such highly competent and versatile expert as Mrs Bos-Karczewska. Her activities were not solely restricted to public discussions. We all remember her engagement in the project “Lijn 25” where she was explaining to the average citizens the importance of the enlargement of the EU and the membership of Poland in the European structures. We also keep in mind her extraordinary action of distributing T-shirts promoting the Polish accession to the EU.
Mrs Bos-Karczewska was effectively fighting against the myth of the new members seen as Hannibal ante portas Europas. And for this we are very thankful.
After Poland’s accession to the EU Ms Bos-Karczewska did not even for a moment quit her activities. Nowadays she is also strongly involved in the struggle for equal rights of polish workers on the Dutch and European labour market.
As the chairman of the Association of the Polish Experts in the Netherlands – STEP, she has been contributing to a positive but also diversified picture of Poland in the Netherlands. STEP supports all sort of contacts between the two countries and nations: economical, cultural and scientific.
STEP also constitutes one of the main sources of information about Poland and all the Polish activities which take place in the Netherlands. Many organisations benefit from STEP’s financial support and charitable work.
The attitude and spirit of Mrs Bos-Karczewska will for a long time be remembered in Poland and in the Netherlands. We hope that she will continue contributing to the positive picture of Poland in the Netherlands. We wish you a lot of success.
Mrs Bos-Karczewska please let me hand in to you this prestigious state distinction – the Golden Cross of Merit of the Republic of Poland – as an acknowledgement of your merit to the Polish state.
Opublikowane na portalu Polonia.NL 31.10.2005
– Wydawca portalu: STEP – Stowarzyszenie Ekspertów Polskich w Holandii.
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