Beata Karpinska Stappers

Meet a Polish candidate for councilor of municipality Leidschendam-Voorburg – Beata Stappers Karpińska (D66)

Zaproszenie dla Polaków i innych obcokrajowców mieszkających w gminie Leidschendam-Voorburg

Partia D66 chce dowiedzieć się, co nieholenderscy mieszkańcy gminy chcieliby zmienić, poprawić, co im się podoba, a co nie.
Beata Stappers Karpińska opowie o priorytetach programowych partii D66.

Polacy to grupa, do której kandydatka na radną kieruje się w pierwszej kolejności.

  • Data: 6.03.2014
  • Godz.: 20.00
  • Miejsce: biuro D66, Parkweg 87a, Voorburg
  • Język:  angielski, polski


D66 Expat and Election meeting: How can you feel at home in Leidschendam-Voorburg?
If you are registered in Leidschendam-Voorburg, you are 18 years or older, you are citizen of the European Union but you are not embassy or consulate staff, you will receive a voting card by post. The inhabitants of Leidschendam-Voorburg from non-EU member states must have lived in the Netherlands during an uninterrupted period of five years in order to take part in the municipal elections.

Dear inhabitants,
The municipal elections are on 19 March 2014. D66 is actively working to inspire as many inhabitants of Leidschendam-Voorburg as possible to come to the polls and vote. We feel strongly that only together can we make our community match our collective needs.

In the previous few weeks D66 volunteers talked in the streets with the people of Leidschendam-Voorburg asking which suggestions they had to make the community more comfortable; what they were satisfied about in the community and what should be improved.

In order to do this, we would like to invite you to an information evening at our main campaign office, where we would be very interested to hear your opinions, priorities, and hopes for Leidschendam-Voorburg. Of course, if you have any questions concerning D66, during this evening we would be very happy to explain the D66 election programme, which we shall be able to accomplish in our community only with your support.

We would like to invite you to the meeting in our D66 campaign site at Parkweg 87a in Voorburg on Thursday the 6 March at 20:00. The meeting will be held in English but Polish, French, Italian are as well available.

Warm regards,
D66 Leidschendam-Voorburg
Beata Stappers Karpinska

Opublikowane na portalu Polonia.NL 04.03.2013 ©
– Wydawca portalu: STEP – Stowarzyszenie Ekspertów Polskich w Holandii. Czytaj o nas

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