Washington Post writes about The Netherlands, Wilders, his anti-Islam rethorics and targeting Poles, quoting M. Bos-Karczewska editor-in-chief of Polonia.nl
Targeting Poles
In February, Wilders’s party launched a Web site targeting Polish immigrants, who had come by the thousands as the Netherlands opened its door to more workers from poorer parts of the European Union in the mid-2000s. The site invited Dutch citizens to report Eastern Europeans for doing anything from “taking your parking spaces” to “taking your jobs.”
Malgorzata Bos-Karczewska, who runs a Polish-language news site in the Netherlands, said many Dutch seemed embarrassed by the move, but the Web site also brought latent animosity to the surface. One Polish immigrant, she said, repeatedly had her tires slashed. Others were insulted in public for speaking Polish. A week after the Freedom Party site was launched, Bos-Karczewska said, a waitress accused her of stealing cutlery while dining at a fine restaurant. “After 9/11, he made all Muslims the scapegoat in Holland,” she said. “Now, it’s the Poles.”
- Read the story 30.04.2012
Gepubliceerd op Polonia.NL 01.05.2012
– Uitgever: STEP – Stichting van Poolse Experts in Nederland , lees meer over ons
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