Europoseł J. Saryusz-Wolski na spotkaniu z Polakami w Hadze 5.10.2011
Na wczorajszym spotkaniu Komisji ds. Swobód i Praw Obywatelskich, Sprawiedliwosci i Spraw Wewnetrznych w Parlamencie Europejskim europoseł Jacek Saryusz-Wolski (PO) zadaje do komisarz Reading pytanie o kroki, jakie Komisja Europejska zamierza podjąć ws. nowego antyimigranckiego portalu w Holandii.
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Statement from EU Justice Commissioner Viviane Reding responding to aquestion put forward by Jacek Saryusz-Wolski, Member of the European Parliament 10.02.2012:
„In Europe, we stand for freedom. We stand for an open Continent where citizens can move, work and study wherever they like. The citizens of the 27 EU Member States should feel at home no matter where they decide to move.
The PVV’s website runs totally counter to these principles. It is openly calling for people to be intolerant.
Europe is facing difficult times. We will only solve our problems by increasing solidarity, not by denouncing fellow citizens.
We call on all citizens of the Netherlands not to follow this intolerance. Citizens should instead clearly state on the PVV’s website that Europe is a place of freedom. Intolerance has no place on our Continent.”
Opublikowane w portalu Polonia.NL 10.02.2012, update 11.02.2012
– Wydawca portalu: STEP – Stowarzyszenie Ekspertów Polskich w Holandii. Czytaj o nas
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