The Dutch government should distance itself from a website set up by the anti-immigration PVV to record complaints about central and eastern Europeans in the Netherlands, employers’  Bernard Wientjes chief of  VNO NCW biggest Dutch employers organisation said on Thursday.

The website is 'a form of demonisation’, Wientjes told a news conference. 'This contributes to a fear of foreigners, which is not what we should have in this open country,’ Nos television quoted Wientjes as saying.

So far, only social affairs minister Henk Kamp has commented on the site. He said it is up to the PVV to decide for itself what action to take. The PVV has an alliance with the minority government, which it supports on economic policy in return for tougher immigration rules.


The Romanian ministry of foreign affairs wants the Dutch authorities to take action against the site, saying it 'violates European norms’, and is discriminatory. Poland has also called for the website to be taken off line.

PVV spokesman Ino van den Besselaar told the Telegraaf on Thursday the site had already received 14,000 complaints.

Gepubliceerd op Polonia.NL 09.02.2012
– Uitgever: STEP – Stichting van Poolse Experts in Nederland , lees meer over ons

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