1. „Floodgates or turnstiles? Post-EU enlargement migration flows to (and from) the UK”- 30.05.2008
2. '”A Van Full of Poles” Liquid Migration from CEE to the Netherlands’ – 29.04.2008
3. „The Polish Migration to the Netherlands: Main Issues & Challenges” – 23.04.2008
4. „Powroty do Polski. Wyniki badań” – 30.04. 2008
5. „Migracja pracowników – szansa czy zagrożenie?” – 15.01.2008
6. „Najnowsza fala emigracji – szansa czy zagrożenie dla modernizacji Polski?” – 21.05.2008
1. Floodgates or turnstiles? Post-EU enlargement migration flows to (and from) the UK by the Institute for Public Policy Research, London, 30.05.2008
According to this report, about half of the one million EU workers who have arrived in the UK since 2004 have already returned home, suggesting that fears of an ever-expanding migrant population are unfounded.
Download report
2. ‘A Van Full of Poles” Liquid Migration from Central and Eastern Europe – paper presented at ASSR by Godfried Engbersen, Erik Snel and Jan de Boom from Erasmus University, 29.04.2008
“The ‘guest-worker-syndrome’ is not applicable to CEE migrants as they are likley to be commuters or cicular migrants. The will not settle in the Netherlands.” The authors describe post-enlargement migration as having more complex, transitory patterns in terms of transnational settelment and shifting migration status. International migration has become ‘liquid’ to paraphrase Zygumnt Bauman’s work on “liquid modernity’.
download paper, download tables
3. “The Polish Migration to the Netherlands: main issues & challanges” – presentation by Malgorzata Bos-Karczewska, editor-in-chief of Polonia.NL, WTC Almere 23.04.2008
An overview:
• A historical perspective: 5 Polish waves to NL
• Polish community in NL 2008
• EU-integration a driving force of a new Polish migration from 2004 onwards
• Major characteristics
• Is labour migration a blessing or a curse?
Gone West: labour shortages become painful in Poland/
A host country perspective: Mitigation of Dutch labour market tightness in some specific sectors, economic value of Polish migrants: 3,5 bn euro per year (0,6% Dutch GDP)
• Challenges to PL and NL
1. Pressure on wages
2. Look for immigrants from Ukraine, China??
3. Design a come-back policy
1. Public information
2. Housing (short-stay)
3. Exploitation of labour (malafide uitzendbedrijven)
4. Integration of new entrants
I Polish labour migrants are not new gastarbeiders
• as Poles enjoy freedom as EU-citizens and workers =>> have a wide choice of a host country
• New pattern of migration: short stay/ circular migration – short distance to Poland
• Polish economy is booming and ec. prospects are very good (EU-funds)
• 2nd generation Poles do not differ from Dutch (assimilation: speak Dutch, similarity with Dutch values and norms)
II Labour migration is only a temporary solution to current labour market problems• Who next after Poles, Romanians and Bulgarians?? Some labour intensive sectors will have to go… adjustment is unavoidable
• Sustainable growth requires labour reforms both in PL and NL
4. Powroty do Polski. Wyniki badań, Justyna Frelak, Beata Roguska, Instytut Spraw Publicznych, Warszawa kwiecień 2008
W raporcie zaprezentowane zostały wyniki pierwszego badania ilościowego przeprowadzonego wśród Polaków, którzy powrócili do kraju po okresie pracy w Wielkiej Brytanii.
Pobierz raport na stronach ISP
5. Migracja pracowników – szansa czy zagrożenie? Raport KPMG Polska, Warszawa, 15.01.2008
Blisko połowa dużych i średnich polskich przedsiębiorstw potwierdza, że traci część przychodów z powodu braku pracowników. Rok wcześniej problem ten dotyczył co czwartej badanej firmy – wynika z drugiej edycji raportu Firmy Doradczej KPMG „Migracja Pracowników – szansa czy zagrożenie?”.
Pobierz raport
6. „Najnowsza fala emigracji – szansa czy zagrożenie dla modernizacji Polski?”, Dominika Blachnicka , 21.05.2008
Raport Polskiego Forum Obywatelskiego (PFO), przedstawiony na III Kongresie Obywatelskim w Warszawie 17.05.2008
Pobierz raport, strony PFO
opublikowane na Polonia.NL 08.05.2008, aktualizacja 21.05.2008