POLONIA.NL – De Nederlandse ambassade in Warschau heeft een verklaring afgegeven waarin de Nederlandse regering betreurt dat de website van de PVV tot veel verontwaardiging in de EU-lidstaten in Midden- en Oost-Europa heeft geleid.

Dit nieuws meldde Poolse Televisie TVN in het journaal van 19 uur. Op de website van de Nederlandse ambassade in Warschau is  geen verklaring te vinden, wel op de website van de NL ambassade in Sofia gedateerd 10 februari 2012 (!)

Official reaction of the Dutch Government to the PVV website on labour migration -10.02.2012

The Dutch Embassy in Sofia has observed that the media in Bulgaria is reporting extensively on the website Meldpunt Midden- en Oost-Europeanen.

Dutch political parties regularly collect complaints and ideas on a wide range of issues. Whether or not to launch such a project is up to the party in question. The primary responsibility for ensuring that the project remains within the bounds of the law, including the statutory ban on discrimination, rests with the political party itself.

It is the task of the Dutch government to make policy. Its stance on labour migration is clear. The government takes the view that labour migration has to be managed in such a way as to reinforce the positive while minimising the negative effects of labour migration. The positive effects are substantial. Figures indicate that labour migrants contribute billions of euros to the Dutch economy. The Dutch government does not close its eyes to the negative effects on the population of the Netherlands, nor is it indifferent to the adverse impact on migrants who are exploited or entrapped by mala fide employment agencies. Addressing these issues is a priority for the Minister of Social Affairs and Employment, Henk Kamp.

The Embassy would emphasise that this website is not a Dutch government initiative. The government of the Netherlands regrets that this Freedom Party website has caused offence in EU Member States in Central and Eastern Europe.
zie NL ambassade in Sofia

Gepubliceerd op Polonia.NL 16.02.2012
– Uitgever: STEP – Stichting van Poolse Experts in Nederland , lees meer over ons

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