Participating in international guitar competitions was a boring business for the Croatian Zoran Dukic. Wherever he took part he won first prize. He evolved to become a grand master of the instrument. Connoisseurs regard him as the best guitarist of today.
Zoran Dukic is equally successful as teacher. Several of his students have built up flourishing careers for themselves thanks to his coaching.
The master Dukic will be giving a concert with his most talented apprentices from The Royal Conservatory of The Hague – among others Rafal Zydek from Poland.
In an interview Zoran Dukic will relate how he passes on his ideas to them. The philosopher Gerrit Steunebrink will be searching for an answer in his talk to the question of imitation and originality.
Date: 11 April 2012
Time: 20.15 hours
Where: Dr Anton Philipszaal, The Hague
M. De Falla ,The Neighbours Dance, Spanish dance from “La Vida Breve” (With Maria Marin Gordillo and Sabrina Vlaskalic)
I. Albeniz, Evocacion, Aragon (with Lore Raus and Maria Marin Gordillo)
A. Dvorak – 3 Slavic dances No. 7 Skocna No. 10 Dumka No. 8 Furiant (with Sabrina Vlaskalic and Rafal Zydek)
M. Ravel -Pavana for a dead princess (with Lore Raus and Rafal Zydek)
P. Bellinati -Jongo (with Rafal Zydek)
J. Möller -Chilla (world premiere) (with Lore, Maria, Sabrina and Rafal)
More info & tickets here
Gepubliceerd op Polonia.NL 05.04.2012
– Uitgever: STEP – Stichting van Poolse Experts in Nederland , lees meer over ons
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