1. British Military Decoration for Marian Rejewski, Polish Enigma Code-Breaker – 04.07.2005
2. Solving the Enigma by the Poles
3. Jak matematycy polscy rozszyfrowali Enigmę – artykuł Mariana Rejewskiego
1. British Military Decoration for Marian Rejewski – Polish Enigma Code-Breaker – 05.07.2005
The code-breaker who revolutionised British reading of the Enigma code, Marian Rejewski,
was honoured by Chief of the Defence Staff, General Sir Michael Walker,
and his Polish counterpart, General Czeslaw Piatas at a ceremony on 4
July 2005.
Marian’s daughter, Mrs Janina Sylwestrzak, received
her father’s War Medal on his behalf in the ceremony at Lancaster House
– reports a website of UK Ministry of Defence.
Marian Rejewski’s work has been described „the
mathematical theorem that won World War II”. Rejewski returned to
Poland at the end of hostilities and died in 1980. As a result of
the Cold War, he never received his 1939 – 45 War Medal and his story
has gone largely untold.
Marian’s work on Enigma’s „Ultra” code
started in Poland in 1932 and included clandestine meetings with
British intelligence staff in the Kabaty Woods South of Warsaw,
immediately prior to the outbreak of war. His work continued in
Vichy France during 1942 before he fled France and was imprisoned in
Spain. He finally escaped through Gibraltar in an old Dakota aircraft
and arrived in Britain to continue his work at Bletchley Park in
Chief of the Defence Staff, General Walker said: „The work of Marian
Rejewski, and his colleagues at Bletchley Park, substantially altered
the course of the war. His story and the obstacles he had to
overcome to make his vital contribution are truly remarkable and it is
a privilege to honour him with this medal today.”
Biography and History of Polish code-breaker on website of UK Ministry of Defence and Bletchley Park – National Codes Centre
Links on II WO 1945-2005: Battle of Monte Cassino 60 , Walcheren 60 , Operation Market Garden 60
2. Solving the Enigma
The article how Polish mathematicians Marian Rejewski, Jerzy
Rozycki and Henryk Zygalski broke the unbreakable machine German Enigma
is on the website of NSA – National Security Agency, read: How Mathematicians Helped Win WWII
’Enigma File’
is a collection of reports, notes and comments prepared by Marian
Rejewski and other cryptoanalysts of the BS4 – Section 4 of the Polish
General Staff Cypher Bureau. There are the only prime source materials
available as all pre-war documents related to BS-4 and its Enigma work,
were destroyed in September 1939 in order to keep codebreaking
successes secret
The Polish contribution to a secret, which changed the course of World War II (a lecture by prof. J. Garlinski) on a website of Federation of Poles in Great Britain.
3. Jak matematycy polscy rozszyfrowali Enigmę
„Jak matematycy polscy rozszyfrowali Enigmę” artykuł Mariana Rejewskiego w „Wiadomościach Matematycznych” z 1980r.
Marian Rejewski
– wybitny polski kryptolog, w latach 1932-1945 pracownik biura szyfrów
oddziału II Sztabu Głównego WP, autor matematycznej metody złamania
szyfru niemieckiej „Enigmy”- jego współpracownikami byli Jerzy
Różycki i Henryk Zygalski, osiągnięcie to doniosłe w skutkach dla
strategii aliantów przyczyniło się istotnie do zwycięstwa w drugiej
wojnie światowej.
Dokumentacja Enigmy –
pierwszy na świecie zbiór relacji, notatek i dokumentów związanych z
historią złamania szyfru Enigmy. Są to w większości relacje, notatki i
uwagi sporządzone przez Mariana Rejewskiego, matematyka i
kryptoanalityka Biura Szyfrów Oddziału II Sztabu Głównego, który
stworzył teoretyczny fundament odczytywania maszynowego szyfru Enigmy.
Polski wkład w rozwiązanie ENIGMY, sekretu który zmienił przebieg II Wojny Światowej (wykład prof. J. Garlińskiego) na stronach Federacji Polaków w W. Brytanii.