The exhibition „De Natura Rerum” of a Polish photographer Bogdan
Konopka includes two series, both questioning the intimate relation
between man and nature. Opening is on Saturday 22.10 at 5 p.m.
By extending the exposure time while photographing fluid elements,
Bogdan Konopka makes use of his camera the same way an alchemist would,
when dealing with the transmutation of material. This allows him to
highlight the illusion of the visual perception: what do we see?
artificial effect in the trees series: the photographer simply steps
aside. Understanding that the metamorphosis occurs by itself, Konopka
registers the tormented shapes of these mutant monsters and invites us
to share Lucrece’s say: „the eyes do not have the power to understand
the nature of things: you should therefore not blame the sight for the
mistakes of the mind”.
Bogdan Konopka was born in Poland (1953). He lives and works in France.
Location: Gallery WM, Elandsgracht 35, 1016 TN Amsterdam,