UPDATE: Press reports are here

Bucharest Herald: Alianta romano-poloneza: „Cetăţeni din Europa Centrală şi de Est, BOICOTAȚI produsele olandeze !”  – 19.02.2012


NEWS: Akcja europosłów – bojkotuj holenderskie produkty – 18.02.2012

Europoseł J. Saryusz-Wolski na spotkaniu z Polakami w Hadze 5.10.2011 / MEP J. Saryusz-Wolski talking to Poles in The Hague

Dwójka europarlamentarzystów – Jacek Saryusz-Wolski i Sebastiaan Bodu z Rumunii – wzywa obywateli państw Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej do bojkotu towarów z Holandii. Jest to reakcja na antyimigracyjny, holenderski portal populistycznej Partii Wolności (PVV), zbierający donosy między innymi na Polaków.

W liscie opublikowanym w piątek Jacek Saryusz-Wolski i Sebastiaan Bodu z Rumunii piszą:

„Tam gdzie zawodzi dyplomacja, obywatele mogą interweniować bezpośrednio dzięki wolności wyboru. Musimy wysłać do holenderskiego rządu sygnał jedności i pokazać, że oni potrzebują nas tak samo, jak my potrzebujemy wspólnej Europy” – piszą europosłowie Jacek Saryusz-Wolski i Sebastian Bodu z Rumunii. Wymieniają firmy, których produkty powinniśmy bojkotować, m.in. Shell, Heineken, Lipton czy Knorr. Politycy przekonują, że jeśli 100 mln mieszkańców 12 krajów naszego regionu przestanie kupować holenderskie towary, tamtejsze koncerny zainterweniują u własnego rządu.

– Jeśli uderzymy Holendrów po kieszeniach, zmusimy Ruttego, żeby się odciął od portalu. To bardzo niebezpieczne, ksenofobiczne zjawisko, które gwałci europejskie prawo swobody przepływu pracy i osób. Nie może być tak, że Holendrzy sprzedają nam swoje towary, ale nie chcą mieć u siebie naszych pracowników – tłumaczy „Gazecie” Saryusz-Wolski. I dodaje, że powstaje właśnie rezolucja w sprawie postawy szefa holenderskiego rządu, a sam Rutte ma się w marcu tłumaczyć przed Parlamentem Europejskim.

czytaj Gazeta Wyborcza

Holenderski bojkot? Europosłowie bronią Polaków – Polskie Radio
Apel Polaka: bojkotujmy holenderskie produkty – Onet.pl
Europosłowie zbojkotują holenderskie towary – Radio Zet

  • Europarlementariërs roepen op tot boycot Nederland om meldpunt

Uit protest tegen de omstreden website van de Partij van de Vrijheid van Geert Wilders hebben Oost-Europese Europarlementsleden opgeroepen tot een boycot van Nederlandse producten. 'Geen Heineken-bier meer voor mij’, zo wordt een Pools Europarlementslid geciteerd in de Nederlandse krant NRC Handelsblad.
lees meer NRC Handelsblad

They despise Poles! And you let them earn money?! Don’t buy Dutch products like from Shell, Heineken, Lipton, Knorr – published on a blog in Poland

Dear fellow Central and Eastern European citizens,

For nearly half a century, most of us have lived far from Western Europe and its democratic values. When the European Union widely opened its arms and received us in 2004 and 2007, after a lot of effort on our part on the way to accession, we thought that we would never feel excluded again, that we would be part of a large family with whom we would share the same values, in good times and in bad times.

We thought that we, the 100 million European citizens who lived behind a discretionary iron curtain, imposed by others against our will and the natural course of history, would no longer be judged as a whole, would not feel discriminated against or humiliated because we want to travel, work and live in a common space in accordance with its rules.

But a radical party from Holland succeeded in reminding us that extremism and discrimination based on citizenship is still alive and kicking in the Europe of 2012, and is more and more virulent and accepted by a European government.

We heard from this extreme right party that Eastern Europeans are criminals, that they are directly responsible for increasing the crime rate in Holland, that each Dutch citizen should complain for a job lost in favour of a newcomer and, in general, if he or she was „disturbed” by the new European citizens.

We, as citizens of Member States from Eastern Europe, consider that the attitude of the PVV (Dutch Party of Liberty), a supporter of the current government, as insulting and threatening. Moreover, the Dutch Prime Minister refused to distance himself from the anti-immigrants website promoted by the PVV and by the policy of this Party in general.

We, as representatives in the European Parliament of all European citizens, including Central and Eastern European, consider that the Dutch Government should receive a very clear message from those 100 million European citizens who have exactly the same rights as those from Holland.

Therefore we call for a boycott of Dutch products in all Central and Eastern European Member States. Where diplomacy fails, it is the right of the citizens to intervene directly, by democratic means, like it is the consumer’s right to choose. A signal of unity must be sent to the Dutch Government and to the radical Party whose extremist actions are tolerated. We must show Holland that it needs us to the same extent as we need to belong to the common European space.

We can live without Dutch products very well. Here you have some examples of such products which we invite you to boycott until this Party is politically isolated: Shell, Heineken, Dove, Amstel, Lipton, Rexona, Knorr, Axe, Wolters Kluwer, Tom Tom and the list remains open. By doing so, we will eventually involve the companies who manufacture and sell these products in solving this problem, where otherwise, the would stay out of it.

A boycott of Dutch products coming from 100 million consumers is the right answer to the extremism promoted by the PVV and it will send a clear message to the Dutch Government that we are not second class citizens and, more than this, we count. If the Dutch do not want us, we do not want their products.

By adopting this form of protest, we are showing that we are united against extremism which, without efficient action that goes beyond plain words, poses the risk of escalation that could transform the Europe we know into a place with upside down values or even lead to physical violence with consequences which would be difficult to evaluate.

Signed by

Sebastian Valentin Bodu
Saryusz -Wolski

Opublikowane w portalu Polonia.NL 18.02.2012, update 19.02.2012
– Wydawca portalu: STEP – Stowarzyszenie Ekspertów Polskich w Holandii. Czytaj o nas

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